The Approval Process
Zoning Use Variances Approval
January 2017 - the original submission to the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) for zoning use variances to allow an inn, restaurant and event space was submitted
May 2017 - the ZBA approved the variance requests
Due to a small group of opposition and external circumstances beyond the control of the TEC, the May 2017 approval was rescinded
October 2017 - a new application was submitted to the ZBA
May 2018 - Zoning Use Variances were approved by the ZBA
June 2019 - Opposition appealed the ZBA approval to the NYS Supreme Court
June 2019 - the NYS Supreme Court Justice Reed dismissed the appeal
July 2019 - Opponents filed a further appeal
Historical District Approval
May 2018 - the Historic District and Structures Commission (HDSC) denied our application for a Certificate of Appropriateness based on the use of the property.
September 2018 - TEC appealed the denial to the ZBA and ZBA approval for a Certificate of Appropriateness
October 2018 - the HDSC appealed the ZBA approval to the NYS Supreme Court
February 2019 - NYS Supreme Court Justice Reed denied the appeal
Planning Board Approval
2019 - Planning Board requests will be submitted for review and approval
Historic Tax Credits
December 2017 - The Property received Part 1 approval by the Department of Interior for Historic Tax Credits